Dr. Shiel Patel is a Board Certified Anesthesiologist, specializing in Interventional Pain at Thrive Medical Partners. Thrive Medical Partners is Georgia's first non-narcotic Interventional Pain practice to help combat the ongoing opioid epidemic. He completed his Anesthesia Residency at the University of Toronto Anesthesia - widely considered as a top 5 program in the world. Dr. Patel is passionate about all aspects of pain medicine and takes pride in ensuring patients understand their available pain relief treatment options.
In his free time, Dr. Patel enjoys spending time with family and friends, playing the piano, and cooking new recipes. He is an avid sports fan, particularly basketball and football. Furthermore, he is a travel enthusiast, having traveled to over 20 countries which has allowed him to gain an appreciation for various cultures and customs.
Please note that Dr. Shiel Patel is part of Thrive Medical Partners, an Interventional Pain practice, while Dr. Robert Karsch is part of Thrive Orthopaedics, a separate orthopadic medical practice. Both Thrive Orthopaedics and Thrive Medical Partners market under the brand Thrive Ortho & Spine.
View the profiles of the remaining Thrive Ortho & Spine providers here.
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